Bermuda Sod Installation
The grass can be greener on the other side!
Does your sod look brown and patchy? Do you have areas destroyed by high foot traffic or pets? Has lack of sunlight from trees or other obstructions killed off your sod?
Lawn Frogs Landscaping has a solution for you.
There are many types of sod available and the variety of sod you currently have may not be the best option for your conditions. If you live in or near Paulding County or Cobb County Georgia then let a sod installation expert come evaluate your problematic turf situation. You no longer have to wait for the perfect green lawn for your landscapes back drop with today’s sod options.
Some of the many benefits of sod install for lawns
• You don’t have to wait for seed to germinate and worry about growing and carrying for a patchy growing lawn.
• Immediately controls erosion issues on your property.
• Provides relief from mud and dust instantly.
• Requires less watering than seeding a lawn.
• Sod is grown by professional so it comes with and existing strong foundation.
• Helps with steep slopes and difficult areas compared to seeding.
• Certified sod has less weeds than seeding.
• Roots in 3-5 weeks.
• Instant satisfaction.
Choose the best turf option for your home or business’s environment.
TifTuf Bermuda Sod
Only requires 5 hours of sunlight, very drought tolerant, great resistance to wear and tear and fast recovery from traffic or drought. It is disease resistant and can be installed year around.
Zenith Zoysia Sod
Closely resembles the appearance of Tall Fescue with its wide leaf blades. It is shade tolerant, grows densely which makes it resistant to weeds, and can be planted in winter or summer. It goes dormant in extended drought and greens back up when rain returns.
Geo Zoysia Sod
Engineered to be shade tolerant and only needing 4 hours of sun a day. Tolerates wear and drought.
Empire Zoysia Sod
Requires 5-6 hours of sun and has a very strong root system. Great choice for high foot traffic dogs, and kids.
Zeon Zoysia Sod
Very adaptable to the hot summers and cold winters of Georgia. It is fairly shade tolerant and adapts to full sun or moderate shade. Its dense growth habits make it resistant to weeds.
Tahoma 31 Bermudagrass
Deep green color, very tolerant to the cold. This turf heals itself rapidly after injury and is drought resistant. IF you want the greenest Bermuda then go with this.
Tifway 419
Requires full sun and regrows well after wear and tear. This is one of the most common turf types that builders install in this area.
Tall Fescue Sod
is the preferred cool season turf grass – This is the most shade tolerant of turf grasses. It provides and excellent green colored lawn year around in a partially shaded environment. It only requires 3-4 hours of sunlight.
Watering Your Sod Is Important
Setting up a regular watering schedule is imperative for the inital root growth. When sod is initially installed we recommend watering daily and keeping the sod moist until it begins to firmly root for the first 3-4 weeks.
Once your lawn is established we recommend 1.5-2 inches of water per week. Watering can be supplemented by the amount of rainfall that falls in the week.
Mowing Your Sod
For cool season Fescue we recommend a cutting height of 2.5-3 inches on a weekly basis. Never cut more than 1/3 of the leaf blade off in a single mowing. Always use sharp blades.
For warm season Turf such as Bermuda we recommend a cutting height of .5-2 inches on a weekly basis. Never cut more than 1/3 of the leaf blade off in a single mowing. Always use sharp blades. A rotary mower, reel, or robotic mower can be used.
Our Sod Installation Process

Test irrigation system (initial);

Flag sprinkler heads and valve covers

Install Ground Protection mats (if applicable)

Remove existing sod (if applicable)

Grade pulverize smooth and rake area

Install new sod

Water in the new sod

Roll air pockets out of the sod and help provide good soil contact for root development

Test irrigation system (final);

Send watering and care instructions for your new sod.
Importance of Soil Conditioning
Lawn Frogs Landscaping’s soil conditioning machine sets our install process way ahead of any competitors. We use a small foot print stand on bobcat machine that easily maneuvers into small areas and tight spots to allow grading work. The width of the machine is 46 inches which is smaller than many landscape companies lawn mowers is perfect for narrow spaces, small gates and walkways.
This machine is light weight with minimal ground impact or disturbance. Our equipment lets us finish jobs faster with less damage than most landscape companies. We have a specialized hydraulic attachment that allows us to dial in our sod installation to the next level by having the ability to do the following task in your desired turf area.
The width of the machine is 46 inches which is smaller than many landscape companies lawn mowers is perfect for narrow spaces, small gates and walkways. This machine is light weight with minimal ground impact or disturbance. Our equipment lets us finish jobs faster with less damage than most landscape companies. We have a specialized hydraulic attachment that allows us to dial in our sod installation to the next level by having the ability to do the following task in your desired turf area.
Our Soil Conditioning Process

Level ground

Clear debris

Till soil

Tear out sod

Smooth ruts

Move material

Grade topsoil

Cut swales

Prepare ground for seeding and sodding.
Protecting Your Existing Landscaping
Lawn Frogs Landscaping takes a great deal of pride in protecting your existing landscape and services while working on your sod installation. We utilize special Ground Protection Mats. These mats help protect manicured surfaces from turf, walkways, driveways, patios and more. They disperse the ground pressure of the load from the already light weight machine we use for the install to provide minimal disturbance on your property.
This eliminates muddy work sites, and speeds up the completion of the job by making the temporary pathway more efficient to move material. It helps protect the area during inclement weather while still under construction and provides the property owner with peace of mind that the soft ground is not churning up during construction traffic.
They planted SOD and installed stepping stones. Great Job! Fair price! They cleaned up where you could not tell they had ever been there.
Watch this video of the soil conditioner in action!
The drum’s carbide-tipped teeth rip through hardpan and pulverize clumps. Clumps are ground up, and rocks and other debris are windrowed to the edge of the jobsite. A rubber flap above the drum keeps larger material from going over the drum while allowing fine materials through for a smooth finish. The drum rotates in either direction for operating in forward or reverse. Box blade end wings help move large amounts of material and fill in low spots.